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Fun with riverflys in Enstone

See what we found in our local River Glyme

A couple of volunteers from Enstone Eco joined others from across the area for the Riverfly monitoring training on 13th April. It was brilliant fun and as you can see from the video, we managed to find a wide range of different riverfly species in the River Glyme. This shows that the Enstone sewage treatment works, which discharges into this stream, was being effective at removing phosphates from our poo that day. But we intend to continue monitoring this site, to make sure we detect any problems which may occur and can report it to the Environment Agency if they do.

Would you would like to get involved and share the fun?

Then get in contact with us at


The Heythrop Hotel Resort kindly hosted us for the day and allowed us to practice our skills in the stream as it flows along the dive from Enstone to the hotel. A big thank you to Warner Leisure which run the hotel.


Another big thank you goes to the Evenlode Catchment Partnership (ECP) which organised the day and Tony Bostock who led the training in such an informative and relaxed way. To say he is an expert is an understatement. He got an MBE from the Queen a few years ago for his conservation work with rivers. Who knew we had such experts living within a couple of miles of Enstone.

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