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Get involved as the weather gets better!

With the taste of spring around the corner, Enstone Eco is getting active again! We’ve got a few events that we wanted to highlight for February and beyond in this month's newsletter.

✅✅ All of our planned and future events are listed here.

Join the Green Gym for Hedge Laying at Enstone Corner 🌳

We’re teaming up with the Chipping Norton Green Gym for some hedge laying and general tidying up at Enstone Corner (the crossroads of Bicester Road and Banbury Road) on:

📅 Wednesday 26th February & Wednesday 5th March

🕙 10 AM – 1 PM

It’s a fantastic way to improve biodiversity, meet like-minded people, and enjoy some fresh air as the weather gets milder. No experience needed—just enthusiasm!

Upcoming Talks & Training 👩‍🏫

We're excited to host two events to deepen our understanding of local river health:

📅 19th February - Rivers in Decline

📍 St Kenelm's Church, Enstone

🗣 Jennifer Lanham (Cotswolds National Landscape) will give a talk on the condition of our local rivers, the threats they face, and what we can do to help. RSVP here!

📅 1st March - Citizen Science Water Testing Training

🗣 Sam Frith (Earthwatch) will train volunteers to test the water quality of the Glyme and other local rivers. This is a great opportunity to become a "Citizen Scientist" and help protect our waterways. RSVP here!

Litter Pick & Riverfly Monitoring 🏞️

We’ll be supporting the Parish Council’s annual litter pick on the 22nd March! Come join in and support tidying the village for everyone to enjoy our outdoor spaces over the warmer months. 

Our Riverfly Monitoring continues every month, tracking the health of the River Glyme by studying the presence of sensitive riverfly species. The data we collect helps identify pollution and contributes to national river protection efforts. If you'd like to get involved, check out our blog on how it all works!

Waterbed samples collection tray
Waterbed samples collection tray

Help Wildlife This February 🐦‍⬛

National Nest Box Week (14th – 21st February) is a great time to clean out old nest boxes or install new ones to help birds find a safe place to nest. Small changes in your garden—like leaving leaf piles undisturbed or planting early-flowering plants—can make a huge difference for wildlife. Read more here.

Enstone Walking Guides 🥾

Enstone Eco is in the process of creating local walking guides to help you enjoy the most of the area this summer and stay active. If you have any routes you love that you would like to be featured, please email us at to share it with us! Here's some recent photos from a loop via the Hoare Stone, Fulwell and Cleveley.

🔎 Looking for other ideas? Visit the Downloadable Resources section our website.

💚 Want to get involved? Whether it’s hedge laying, litter picking, river monitoring, or wildlife-friendly gardening, we’d love to hear from you! 

Email us at!



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